Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Makita VC3511L'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Makita VC3511L

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Makita VC3511L

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Makita Lid
001 W302004331 38.88 46.27

Insulation plate (sound)
002 W302002050 8.52 10.14

Kit closure
003 W302002426 18.76 22.32

Dust-off button + rod
004 W302004330 14.24 16.95

005 W107404541 10.84 12.90

006 W61385 6.60 7.85

Socket + front plate
007 W302004034 34.36 40.89

Screw 3,5x18mm
008 W302004032 5.87 6.99

Socket connection plate
009 W302002052 39.92 47.50

Screw 5x18mm
010 W302004029 6.58 7.83

Mains cable TCL 3
011 W107402641 59.77 71.13

Circuit 100-240v
017 W61278 55.92 66.54

No information available, not orderable
018 W302002040

Motor 230v 1100w
019 W302002435 114.05 135.72

Washers for motor mount
020 W302002431 19.88 23.66

021 W909100083 3.20 3.81

022 W302000344 5.24 6.24

Insulation plate (sound)
023 W302002051 4.08 4.86

Motor support
024 W302002130 28.85 34.33

Filter cage + float
025 W302002427 28.73 34.19

Harmonica PET filter
026 P-70219 25.48 30.32

Clamping disc
027 W302002042 5.87 6.99

Catch container
029 W107404705 158.64 188.78

Connection for vacuum hose
030 W302002428 20.76 24.70

Ring with swivel wheels
031 W302004334 61.09 72.70

Chain with ear
032 W302004320 10.84 12.90

Nut M5 inox
033 W24562 2.80 3.33

Label "makita"
034 W107404706 23.74 28.25

Label "Dust Class L"
035 W302004200 2.80 3.33

Ring for extension tube
036 W302002056 2.80 3.33

Holder, accessory-
037 W302002055 19.88 23.66

Hose clamp IAS 3
038 W302002059 8.84 10.52

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