Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Bosch 3601BA0400 ( GCB18V-63 )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Bosch 3601BA0400 ( GCB18V-63 )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Bosch 3601BA0400 ( GCB18V-63 )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

1 2610013522 0.83 0.99

Tensioning Lever
2 2610012368 5.83 6.94

Corrugated Washer
3 2610013523 0.83 0.99

4 2610013524 1.18 1.40

Hex Nut
5 2610013525 0.83 0.99

6 2610013526 1.18 1.40

Cover Plate
7 2610013527 6.54 7.78

8 2610013528 3.31 3.94

9 2610013529 11.88 14.14

Aligning block
10 2610013530 13.93 16.58

11 2610013531 5.33 6.34

Tapping Screw
15 2610013532 0.83 0.99

16 2610942930 1.70 2.02

17 2610012367 0.83 0.99

Switch Button
18 2610013533 5.33 6.34

Compression Spring
19 2610013534 0.83 0.99

Tapping Screw
20 2610013535 1.70 2.02

Thread-forming tap. Screw
21 2610013536 1.18 1.40

Spring Washer
22 2610013537 0.83 0.99

23 2610013538 12.41 14.77

Guide Angle
24 2610013539 10.73 12.77

Roller Bearing
25 2610013540 4.70 5.59

Ball Bearing
26 2610013541 6.54 7.78

Thread-forming tap. Screw
27 2610013542 0.83 0.99

28 1619PB4349 55.25 65.75

29 2610013543 1.70 2.02

Rubber Ring
31 2610013545 4.70 5.59

Plain Washer
33 2610013547 0.83 0.99

Hexagon Socket Screw Key
34 2610013548 1.94 2.31

Ball Bearing
35 2610013549 6.54 7.78

36 2610013550 1.94 2.31

37 2610013551 0.83 0.99

Hex Nut
38 2610013552 0.83 0.99

Spring Washer
39 2610013553 0.83 0.99

Support bracket
40 2610013554 1.70 2.02

Plain Washer
41 2610013555 0.83 0.99

42 2610013556 1.18 1.40

Lower guard
43 1619PB4350 10.73 12.77

Lower guard
44 1619PB4351 10.73 12.77

45 1619PB4352 0.83 0.99

Tapping Screw
46 2610013559 0.83 0.99

End cap
47 2610013560 7.58 9.02

DC motor
48 2610013561 113.29 134.82

Motor Housing
49 2610012366 13.93 16.58

50 2610013562 2.71 3.22

Retaining ring
51 2610013563 0.83 0.99

Compression Spring
52 2604690055 0.83 0.99

Tapping Screw
54 2610013565 0.83 0.99

Label GCB 18V-63
59 1619PB4370 1.94 2.31

64 1619PB4358 0.83 0.99

Spring Lock Washer
65 1619PB4359 0.83 0.99

Protection Sleeve
66 1619PB5591 1.70 2.02

Protection Sleeve
67 1619PB5592 1.70 2.02

68 1619PB5593 0.83 0.99

808 1619PB4371 1.94 2.31

Set Of Handles
812 1619PB4357 33.45 39.81

Electronics Module
813 2610021159 91.56 108.96

Pulley Wheel
830 2610024574 15.71 18.69

Drive Wheel
855 2610024575 11.88 14.14

Grease Tube 225 ML
890 1615430015 33.45 39.81

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