Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Bosch 3600HA600A ( ROTAK320ER )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Bosch 3600HA600A ( ROTAK320ER )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Bosch 3600HA600A ( ROTAK320ER )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

18 F016F04684 2.71 3.22

Contact strap
19 F016F04685 0.83 0.99

Screw 5 Stück
32 F016F04506 1.18 1.40

33 F016F04691 2.71 3.22

Handle top assembly
40 F016F04698 11.88 14.14

Cutter Blade
55 1600A025F8 10.73 12.77

Hex Screw M8x20 MM
59 F016T48547 1.94 2.31

Switching Unit
75 F016F04700 18.19 21.65

bottom handle
78 F016F04699 4.70 5.59

Guard Flap
82 F016F04701 3.31 3.94

Carrying Handle
83 F016F04696 1.70 2.02

Carrying Handle
84 F016L66685 2.24 2.67

closing spring
85 F016F04702 1.18 1.40

Bearing cover
108 F016L67627 1.18 1.40

Plain Washer Ø8,15 BLACK
501 F016T48185 2.71 3.22

504 F016F04697 0.83 0.99

Screw M5x8 Csk Hd.
505 F016L36542 1.94 2.31

Set of screws
505 F016L67258 0.83 0.99

Wing Nut
506 F016L66155 1.70 2.02

Motor ALT
801 F016F05740 91.56 108.96

Motor NEU
801 F016F04606 91.56 108.96

802 F016F05630 0.83 0.99

Motor Hood
843 F016F04703 12.41 14.77

860 F016F04609 11.88 14.14

Collection box
880 F016F04693 18.19 21.65

Cable Clip ROTAK II
895 F016L66895 0.83 0.99

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