Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Makita 6794D'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Makita 6794D

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Makita 6794D

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Switch with overflight security
001 651872-2 14.23 16.93

Motor Housing 6791D 6973D 6794D *
002 182891-2 26.11 31.07

Screw 4x22
003 911143-2 0.83 0.99

Lock Washer 12
005 961072-9 0.83 0.99

Spindle Ass'y
006 153220-6 89.94 107.03

No information available, not orderable
006A 221988-3

006B 322620-3 6.60 7.85

Steel ball 3.5
006C 216040-0 0.83 0.99

Locking Ring 11
006D 231951-8 0.83 0.99

Compression Spring 13
006E 233005-7 0.83 0.99

Washer 12
006F 267085-1 0.83 0.99

Slide Bearing 5
007 214017-9 0.83 0.99

Motor 6794D 9.6 Volt *
008 629607-9 39.92 47.50

Adjusting pin
009 152427-1 9.52 11.33

No information available, not orderable
009A 266002-8

No information available, not orderable
010 343579-1

Battery connector piece
011 643909-9 3.22 3.83

Switch SW-101 6512378*
013 651237-8 14.23 16.93

Rivet 3
014 253821-1 0.83 0.99

Compression spring 3 *
015 231461-5 0.83 0.99

No information available, not orderable
016 322241-1

Ball bearing 626llb
017 211016-2 5.88 7.00

Washer 6
018 253726-5 0.83 0.99

Gear 83 6794D *
019 226223-4 31.61 37.62

Steel ball 7.1
020 216009-4 0.83 0.99

Steel ball 7.1
021 216009-4 0.83 0.99

Gear 12 6791Dw *
022 226258-5 49.85 59.32

Holder 6794D *
023 322353-0 10.84 12.90

Compression Spring 10 *
024 231949-5 1.72 2.05

Conical Compression Spring 18-29 *
025 231945-3 1.72 2.05

026 341902-4 0.83 0.99

Thrust needle bearing 1023
027 216413-7 2.80 3.33

Washer 8 *
028 253851-2 0.83 0.99

No information available, not orderable
029 164625-5

Slide Bearing 4
030 214019-5 0.83 0.99

Motor Housing 6791D 6973D 6794D *
031 182891-2 26.11 31.07

Pen 4 *
032 256187-8 0.83 0.99

Control Circuit 6793D *
033 631196-2 49.85 59.32

Compression spring 2 *
034 231453-4 0.83 0.99

035 414515-5 1.01 1.20

No information available, not orderable
036 344058-2

Thin Washer 6
037 253332-6 0.83 0.99

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