Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Makita DUR187L'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Makita DUR187L

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Technical drawing 2
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Makita DUR187L

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Handle set
001 183A19-1 14.24 16.95

Hex Nut M5
001C10 931202-6 0.83 0.99

Mains cable
002 699085-7 21.70 25.82

Clamp Bracket
003 687260-7 0.83 0.99

No information available, not orderable
004 266326-2

Unlock handle
005 455629-1 2.80 3.33

Torsion Spring 9
006 233621-5 0.83 0.99

Switch handle
007 455625-9 3.22 3.83

008 632E26-0 11.32 13.47

Control 'sub' unit
009 144371-6 17.90 21.30

Torsion spring 10
010 233612-6 1.43 1.70

Allen bolt M5x18mm
011 266787-6 0.83 0.99

Handle set
012 183A19-1 14.24 16.95

Hex Nut M5
012C10 931202-6 0.83 0.99

No information available, not orderable
013 266326-2

Engine Housing Dur188
023 183F35-3 11.16 13.28

Rubber pen 6
023C10 263005-3 0.83 0.99

Tube Grip Bracket
024 346248-3 1.01 1.20

No information available, not orderable
025 266326-2

Clamp Bracket
026 687260-7 0.83 0.99

No information available, not orderable
027 266326-2

028 620642-0 108.87 129.56

Engine Housing Dur188
030 183F35-3 11.16 13.28

Rubber pen 6
030C10 263005-3 0.83 0.99

No information available, not orderable
031 266326-2

Nameplate Dur187l
032 852X86-2 2.80 3.33

Connection unit (3 contacts)
033 644809-6 4.08 4.86

034 451601-1 2.08 2.48

035 347116-3 1.21 1.44

Motor Housing Set
056 183F18-3 8.46 10.07

057 629248-1 11.16 13.28

058 519429-4 17.90 21.30

Ball Bearing 609zz
059 210049-4 3.37 4.01

Ball Bearing 695zz
060 211157-4 1.43 1.70

061 346857-8 1.72 2.05

Ball Bearing 695zz
062 211157-4 1.43 1.70

Gear 26
063 221492-2 2.80 3.33

Spindle Ass'y
064 326924-5 1.72 2.05

Ball bearing 6000ddw
065 211289-7 12.58 14.97

Complete Protective Ring
066 144512-4 4.58 5.45

O-ring 10
067 213055-8 0.83 0.99

Phillips Head Screw M3X6
068 652069-6 0.83 0.99

Motor Housing Set
069 183F18-3 8.46 10.07

No information available, not orderable
070 266326-2

Rubber bushing 24
071 424567-8 1.51 1.80

Rod cpl
075 144372-4 12.58 14.97

Makita logo label
075C10 819312-8 2.80 3.33

Warning label Dur366
075C20 809N07-5 2.80 3.33

Mains cable
077 699090-4 9.52 11.33

Guide Piece
080 326348-5 10.81 12.86

081 413143-3 0.83 0.99

Mounting ring for cap
082 454641-8 4.32 5.14

Spring Washer 6 A
083 253903-9 0.83 0.99

Allen Bolt m6x30
084 266579-3 0.83 0.99

Tapping screw 4X12 Ms246.4
085 266427-6 0.83 0.99

Line Cutter At1831 A
086 347274-5 3.20 3.81

Protective Cap "thread spool"
087 457324-9 9.52 11.33

Bow Handle Em2653Lh A
088 457937-6 9.52 11.33

Hex. Socket Hd. Bolt (w/flange) M5x12
089 922212-4 0.83 0.99

Rubber pen 6
090 263005-3 0.83 0.99

Handle attachment 29mm
091 347011-7 2.05 2.44

Hex. Socket Hd. Bolt (w/flange) M5x12
092 922212-4 0.83 0.99

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