Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Metabo 31501000 ( FREESVOORZETAPPARAAT )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Metabo 31501000 ( FREESVOORZETAPPARAAT )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Metabo 31501000 ( FREESVOORZETAPPARAAT )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Greepdeel boven
1 341111560 5.18 6.16

2 341052560 1.55 1.84

Adjusting knob
3 341540090 1.67 1.99

4 343363660 2.28 2.71

5 338110240 2.28 2.71

Retaining ring
6 141180660 1.67 1.99

Zeskante moer
7 141130100 1.55 1.84

8 342021120 1.55 1.84

9 339124510 1.67 1.99

Lower grip part
10 316033040 5.18 6.16

Handle part above
11 341111320 5.87 6.99

12 341110820 3.02 3.59

Metabo label
13 338103240 3.02 3.59

14 343364110 2.28 2.71

Pressure spring
15 342001770 1.55 1.84

16 339124490 4.51 5.37

Tubular rivet
17 141163410 1.67 1.99

Pressure spring
18 342001980 3.71 4.41

19 141119120 3.71 4.41

Pressure spring
20 342000040 1.55 1.84

21 339124480 4.51 5.37

Grondplaat compl.
22 316020730 87.60 104.24

Machinehouder compl.
23 316020720 175.84 209.25

Locking plate
24 339124520 2.28 2.71

25 141113900 1.67 1.99

26 339004950 1.67 1.99

Fill. head screw
27 141120070 1.55 1.84

Fillister head screw
28 141113220 1.55 1.84

Right-angle guide
29 343364680 3.02 3.59

30 341111030 2.28 2.71

31 316020750 32.27 38.40

32 344350150 4.51 5.37

Exhaust connection piece complete
38 316025140 18.80 22.37

Greepdeel onder
39 316033050 5.87 6.99

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