Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Metabo 13072000 ( WP18LTX125QUICK )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Metabo 13072000 ( WP18LTX125QUICK )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Metabo 13072000 ( WP18LTX125QUICK )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

Anker compl.
2 310011260 80.81 96.16

Engine cover 2-part
3 343435970 16.25 19.34

Self-tapp. fill. h. screw
4 141119900 1.55 1.84

5 343398600 1.55 1.84

Self-tap. fill. h. screw
6 141113180 1.55 1.84

Huis compl.
7 316049680 100.74 119.88

11 338061990 1.55 1.84

Spindle stop compl.
12 316040610 3.02 3.59

Tandwielhuis compl.
14 316046070 24.23 28.83

Fill. head screw
17 141120070 1.55 1.84

18 141123920 1.55 1.84

Self-tap fill h screw
19 141116020 1.67 1.99

Compensating Washer
20 339060160 1.67 1.99

Spanhendel compl.
21 316047590 12.23 14.55

22 143192540 1.55 1.84

Spindle gear M14
23 341161150 7.22 8.59

Flens compl.
24 315202850 148.53 176.75

O-ring 48 x 1
25 344097550 1.55 1.84

26 316064680 11.74 13.97

Clamping flange
27 341031160 11.74 13.97

Protective cover, D125
28 339203490 18.80 22.37

Identification plate
31 338129940 1.67 1.99

Indicator label
31 338124500 1.55 1.84

Bus rubber
33 344098740 1.55 1.84

Field package compl., 2 poles
34 311011880 53.86 64.09

35 316060540 10.38 12.35

Carbon brush holder compl., 18 V
36 316053210 12.23 14.55

Handgreep extra compl.
38 316046590 8.89 10.58

Dead-man's switch fully
41 343410500 5.87 6.99

42 343398620 1.55 1.84

Pressure spring
43 342003030 1.55 1.84

Dust filter
44 343398890 5.87 6.99

Two-part Motor Hood
55 343437300 10.38 12.35

Cover cap
95 343439680 1.55 1.84

Tube of grease 100 gr.
880 344130910 13.48 16.04

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