Here you will find all available parts and drawings of the 'Milwaukee 4000400601 ( DR350T )'. From here you can order all desired parts directly. Many parts must be ordered from the manufacturer, depending on the brand, this takes one to four weeks. All the information we have is on our website, we cannot advise you on what you need, for that you will need to return the machine for repair. Please note the following when ordering:

Technical drawing of model Milwaukee 4000400601 ( DR350T )

Technical drawing 1
Click for enlargement

Spare parts list of model Milwaukee 4000400601 ( DR350T )

Pos. Description Price excl. VAT Price incl. VAT
Prices shown include VAT

0001 4931400662 422.93 503.29

0002 4931400663 1707.55 2031.98

No information available, not orderable
0003 4931400664

No information available, not orderable
0004 4931400665

0005 4931400666 217.01 258.24

0006 4931400667 318.38 378.87

No information available, not orderable
0008 4931400668

No information available, not orderable
0009 4931400669

No information available, not orderable
0010 4931400670

No information available, not orderable
0011 4931400671

No information available, not orderable
0013 4931400672

No information available, not orderable
0014 4931400673

No information available, not orderable
0015 4931400674

No information available, not orderable
0016 4931400675

No information available, not orderable
0017 4931400676

No information available, not orderable
0018 4931400677

No information available, not orderable
0019 4931400678

No information available, not orderable
0020 4931400679

No information available, not orderable
0022 4931400680

0023 4931400681 193.25 229.97

SCREW (4 needed)
0024 4931400682 3.60 4.28

No information available, not orderable
0025 4931400683

0026 4931400684 1316.30 1566.40

NUT (4 needed)
0205 4931400639 20.59 24.50

SCREW (4 needed)
0208 4931400703 57.02 67.85

BUSH (2 needed)
0209 4931400709 26.93 32.05

WHEEL (2 needed)
0210 4931400710 33.26 39.58

SCREW (2 needed)
0211 4931400711 9.00 10.71

0314 4931400650 58.61 69.75

0318 4931400652 129.89 154.57

GUIDE ELEMENT (4 needed)
0319 4931400653 38.02 45.24

0328 4931400607 1.80 2.14

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